Salisbury, Vermont

In the Land of Milk and Honey
Beach sunset


Willem Jaring - Road Foreman   352-1017 (town highway garage)
If you wish to put in a new driveway or do any work in the town right-of-way, you must contact the Road Foreman for a permit.
Is a tree on your lawn that is in the right-of-way really your tree?  
Actually, no. 
There are several state statutes that, taken together, are called The Law of Trees.  These laws spell out what can and what can't be done.
Should you wish to cut in the right-of-way, you need to notify the Tree Warden, the Select Board, and the Road Foreman. A public hearing will determine whether or not the tree can be cut.
If the tree you wish to cut is within 250' of the lake, you must get approval from Shoreland Protection first !
25 Schoolhouse Rd, P.O. Box: 66, Salisbury, VT 05769 | (p) (802)352-4228 | (f) (802)352-9832