Current Town Office Information Hours are Tuesdays from 9 AM to 3 PM and Thursdays from 11AM to 6 PM TownClerk@townofsalisbury.org phone: 802/352-4228 fax: 802/352-9832 Updated February 10, 2024 ********* CURRENT JOB OPENINGS ******** ANNOUNCEMENTS
PROPERTY TAX PAYMENTS Tax bills for the 2024/2025 tax year have been mailed out. Final payment due date is April 7, 2025. If you don't have your tax bill by now, please call the town office.
********* Salisbury's Land Records are online! We have been working with Cott Systems to get our land records online. Land records, both indexing and images, from April 1968 up through what is currently recorded, is now online at Record Hub. To access Record Hub, click HERE. Going forward, we ask that you obtain your documents from the Record Hub site. If you prefer to contact us with Book and Page numbers and ask to have documents sent to you, we will happily comply once payment has been received. To ask about unrecorded documents, please call the Town Office. Currently, survey maps and parcel maps are not available online. We will be working to change this. More information will be added as it becomes available. ******* We have become aware of two programs which provide assistance for Vermonters struggling with housing costs due to the pandemic. More information and eligibility criteria can be found on the following websites: Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP) *****
The Salisbury Landfill is now a drop off station run by R&L Rubbish. For drop off station information go to "Trash & Recycling Information" under the Town Departments tab.
The Salisbury drop off station is open on Saturdays only from 8:00 - 1:00. Vermont Department of Health Rabies Information