The Development Review Board is the judicial part of planning and zoning.
The DRB hears applications for conditional uses, waivers, subdivisions, appeals of the ZA's decision. It is also charged (by law) to conduct the following kinds of reviews:
- Right-of-way or easements for land development, development within an historic district, PUDs (planned unit development), site plans, and wireless communication facilities.
The DRB has a good deal of power concerning land development.
The Rules of Civil Procedure must be followed in DRB hearings. That is, it must be publicly warned 15 days prior to the date of hearing, all abutters must be given notification, testimony is taken under oath, anyone who qualifies as an "interested person" may offer testimony.
After the hearing is closed, the DRB must issue a decision on the issue within 45 days. After the decision is issued, an interested person has 30 days from the decision date to make an appeal to the Environmental Court.
The DRB is a 5 person board (plus alternate members) appointed by the Select Board. If you are interested in serving as a member or alternate, contact the Select Board or any DRB member and come to a hearing.
Current DRB Members are:
Debra Hurlburt
Deb Brighton
Jeff Schumann
Morgan Cate
Ariell Slater.
Current DRB Alternates: